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New Cambuslang park and ride

Written by SPT 30/07/2021

A new park and ride project, jointly funded by South Lanarkshire Council and Strathclyde Partnership for Transport, is now available, making rail an even easier option when travelling from the Cambuslang area.

The new development offers 256 parking spaces, including new electric vehicle charging infrastructure, on a site adjacent to Bridge Street and within easy reach of Cambuslang station.

SPT Chair, Councillor Dr Martin Bartos welcomed the new facility: “SPT is proud to invest in this key park and ride infrastructure project that will encourage more people to make the switch to rail and reduce the need to travel by car.

“Despite the many challenges faced over the past year, SPT’s capital programme continues to support a range of transport projects that offers more sustainable and active travel choices to people across Strathclyde.”

The main Chair of South Lanarkshire Council’s Community and Enterprise Resources Committee, Councillor John Anderson, said: “We obviously still face the challenges of the pandemic but this new facility is already benefitting rail travellers and will really come into its own as the economy opens up and more and more people are making journeys.

“We are committed to supporting sustainable transport and with this site open it is easier than ever to switch from car to train in Cambuslang and the additional charging infrastructure will help with the drive to make electric vehicles a viable option for more road users.”

The development work included junction improvements including a dedicated right turn lane from Bridge Street for access to the car park.

South Lanarkshire Council Executive Director of Community and Enterprise Resources Michael McGlynn added: “This was a derelict site which is now an asset to the area improving parking in the centre of Cambuslang, supporting sustainable travel and adding to environmental improvements in Cambuslang.

Pictured:  South Lanarkshire Councillor and SPT representative David Shearer with Councillor John Anderson Chair of Community and Enterprise Resources, South Lanarkshire Council