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Register now for your new ZoneCard smartcard

Written by SPT 11/09/2024

New dedicated ZoneCard smartcard only £2.50 until 23 September.

Customers registering for the brand new ZoneCard smartcard can receive their new smartcard for half price up until 23 September.

If you register before then, a ZoneCard smartcard costs only £2.50, after this date, the price will increase to £5.  ZoneCards tickets can also be loaded onto any existing smartcard including ScotRail, Subway, McGill’s, Stagecoach and National Entitlement Cards.

Ryan Sorley, chair of the ZoneCard Forum, which represents all the operators participating in the ticketing arrangement, said:

"Since its launch, the new Smart ZoneCard has proved very popular with customers who rely on more than one mode of transport with more than one operator to journey around the Strathclyde area. More than 700 new ZoneCard smartcards have already been purchased at the £2.50 price, with another 700 customers already registering an existing smartcard, for which there is no charge. Many of these customers are reporting enjoying the convenience of the new one-day and flexi tickets which meet their needs better than before."

You can now register an online ZoneCard account and purchase ZoneCard tickets for your smartcard at

If you already have a smartcard you can also buy ZoneCard tickets at any Payzone outlet across the ZoneCard area.

For more information on the new ZoneCard smartcard including map, Zones available and pricing structure, visit: