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Subway Bus

Minutes & agendas

The Partnership and the committees meet at 131 St Vincent Street on a regular basis.

Agendas and papers are published three days before the meeting.

Minutes and papers for the meeting are published on the Partnership/individual committee page.

Partnership & committees

The Partnership consists of twenty elected members representing the twelve constituent unitary authorities in the West of Scotland and between seven and nine appointed members.

The Appointed Member Recruitment Committee is responsible for considering applications for Appointed Members to the SPT Board, shortlisting and interviewing candidates and making a recommendation of appointment(s) to the Partnership.

Ensuring that SPT as an organisation is accountable and transparent.

Special committee that can be called at short notice.

Covering all issues relating to bus, rail, Subway and ferry.

Covering all issues related to SPT staff.

The Recruitment Committee is responsible for considering applications for the post of Chief Executive, shortlisting and interviewing candidates and making a recommendation of appointment to the Partnership.

Current projects and capital expenditure.

Concessionary users and tickets.

Our team

Members and Management leading SPT forward. Plus, our current vacancies.

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