Filming requests
Important information
Definitions for these purposes
- “Event(s)” means any use made of, subject to permission having been granted for such use, SPT premises to carry out for example Filming, Photography, Broadcasts and other Event(s).
- “Requester” means those persons applying to SPT for permission to use SPT premises.
- “SPT” means the Strathclyde Partnership for Transport.
- “SPT premises” means those properties or premises run, operated or owned by the Strathclyde Partnership for Transport.
- “Users” means those persons requesting and having been granted permission to use SPT premises for an Event.
Notice period
SPT requires a minimum notice period of 28 days to process each request. Please be aware that some projects may take a considerable amount of time to consider and assess and therefore it is advisable to submit requests as early as possible otherwise SPT may not be able to grant your request for the use of SPT premises.
You must submit your request at least 28 days before the date that you need to be on location. Requests for filming news items may be considered at shorter notice at our discretion. Complex projects may take longer to assess so you should submit your request as early as possible.
A Facility fee of £200 per hour plus additional costs, such as operational outlays, staffing and administrative costs shall be payable to SPT for use of SPT premises. Additional costs will be assessed by SPT on an individual basis. Use of SPT premises will be charged at a minimum of one hour irrespective of time requirements.
Access to SPT premises will only be granted to those areas to which members of the public are generally permitted. Further access may be granted to operational areas subject to Users being accompanied at all times by a member of SPT staff and in compliance to any operational rules. Users wishing to use operational areas should specifically detail the areas they wish to use in the relevant section of the request form. SPT operational staff will consider requests on an individual basis.
Safety is a key concern for us, so film-makers, broadcasters and those who wish to use our premises for events must comply with certain requirements before they can access the Subway or the bus stations we operate. Anyone who wishes to use our premises for filming, broadcasting or events must have a minimum of £2million in public liability insurance and £5million in employers’ liability insurance. We also require details of the proposed project. You must provide us with a risk assessment and method statement. We must be satisfied that all risks have been considered and that measures have been taken to control them. Safe working practices must be adopted at all times throughout the event, and anyone using SPT premises must conform, at their own expense, with any health and safety requirements.
The User shall indemnify SPT, any of its staff, contractors and members of the public present on or at SPT premises for all damage to SPT premises or other property and for all injury caused (including death) and consequential loss resulting from the negligent acts and omissions of the User or his employees, sub-contractors etc. No liability can be accepted by SPT for any injury or loss or damage to any person (including death), or property, regardless of the cause of such occurrences.
SPT premises are busy public transport centres. The operators adhere to regular timetables, which must be given priority. Events must not restrict or disrupt the routine operation of any transport at any time. All events will be as per operational requirements.
SPT Image
The contents of any film, photography or event that takes place on SPT premises must not in any way demean or misrepresent SPT, the location or any associated organisations. This will be determined solely at the discretion of SPT. All people submitting requests are required to provide a project description, which SPT may use to determine the suitability of the Request.
Working Practice
SPT premises must be kept clean, neat and tidy at all times. All filming and other events shall be carried out so as to cause minimum disturbance to SPT, transport operators and the public. The User of SPT premises shall leave SPT premises in the condition they found them.
Approval process
Once a request has been approved, SPT will issue by email a contract to the Requester, along with the Contractor’s Safety Policy and Briefing Note. The contract will contain all relevant details provided by the Requester. Before an event is allowed to take place the Requester is required to have signed the issued contract and returned it to SPT, at least two working days prior to an event taking place. Once SPT has received the contract within the said two working days then SPT shall return the contract to the Requester after it has been signed for and on behalf of SPT. The Requester should note that once the contract is signed there is a legally binding agreement with SPT. Please note that a contract issued by SPT for an event can only be signed by a Director, Secretary, or person authorised to sign such contracts. Confirmation of such authority may be required from the Requester.
Where permission has been granted for a Requester to make use of SPT’s premises then the Requester is deemed to have read and be fully aware of SPT’s Contractor’s Safety Policy, abbreviated Operational Risk Assessment and Briefing note. These documents will be emailed to the Requester with the contracts.
Rejection of Request
SPT has the right to reject for any reason any request for the use of SPT premises.
Suitability of the premises
The User should note that SPT cannot warrant the suitability or safety of SPT premises for any event whatsoever.
Submitting your request by email
Please submit via email along with any other required documents, such as your Method Statement and Script Treatment — to [email protected]
If you have any queries before submitting a request, please contact us at [email protected] and a member of our Communications team will respond as soon as possible.
Once you have submitted your request a member of our Communications team will be in touch to discuss it with you in more detail.
- What locations are available to use for filming, photography or other events?
We can consider requests to use any premises owned or operated by SPT. These are the Subway, 131 St Vincent Street, Greenock, East Kilbride, Hamilton and Buchanan bus stations. Requests may also need to be made to operators of related transport services such as bus and rail companies. - Do I need to obtain permission to film, photograph or hold an event at SPT premises?
Yes, anybody who wishes to use SPT premises for filming, photography or events must get our permission first. - How do I apply for permission?
All requests must be submitted via email. When we receive it, someone from our Communications team will contact you to discuss your application. - How much does it cost to use SPT premises?
We charge a facility fee which is dependent on the requirements of the proposed filming (taking into account operational outlays and any additional staffing costs). These are assessed on a case-by-case basis. - Are there special rates for students?
No. The fee is in place to cover the cost to us of administering requests to use our premises and providing staff to manage these activities on site. It isn’t possible to offer special rates to students. - Is it possible to use SPT premises free of charge?
Generally no, but we may waive the fee for news items and activities that promote SPT. - How much notice does SPT require?
You must submit your application at least 28 days before the date that you need to use our premises. Complex applications can take longer to assess so you should submit your request as early as possible. We may consider requests for news items at shorter notice. - Does SPT place any restrictions on what people can film or photograph?
We will assess your proposal at the first stage of the application process. You must meet and comply with any Data Protection issues involved. We will not allow anything that offends good taste or decency, is likely to encourage or incite crime, lead to disorder or be offensive to public feeling.
In particular:- Offensive and profane language must be avoided;
- Salacious, violent or indecent themes, or sexual innuendo or stereotyping likely to cause serious or general offence, should be avoided;
- References to minority groups should not be stereotypical, malicious, unkind or hurtful;
- References to religious or political beliefs should not be offensive, deprecating or hurtful, and the use of religious themes and treatments by non-religious groups should be treated with extreme care;
- Those who have physical, sensory, intellectual or mental health disabilities should not be demeaned or ridiculed.
We will not agree to anything which we consider detrimental to SPT or its reputation.
- Will I be stopped if I try to take a spur-of-the-moment picture on the Subway?
No. Provided you are not disturbing other customers, members of staff, loitering in the Subway system or disrupting the operation of the Subway, SPT has no objection to members of the public taking ad hoc pictures using camera phones or cameras. Please note, however, that flash photography is NOT permitted at platform level, as this could disturb train drivers. Click for full details of our conditions of travel. - Is there a limit to the size of film crew or people allowed to use the premises?
The size of crews allowed will be subject to individual assessment to make sure that Health and Safety regulations are not broken. The assessment will be carried out once the request is submitted. - Do I need to provide risk assessments and method statements?
Yes. Before you are allowed onto our premises we must be confident that all possible risks have been considered, and control measures are in place to mitigate them. - Do I need insurance?
Yes. Anyone using SPT premises should have Employers’ Liability Insurance cover for at least £5million and Public Liability Insurance cover for at least £2million. - Can I use flash or additional lighting?
We will assess each application individually with regard to lighting implications. Flash photography and bright lights are not generally allowed on Subway platforms. Additional lighting can be used at the Ferry providing the appropriate bodies are notified, such as the Maritime Coastguard Agency and Estuary Control. - Can I use a tripod?
Tripods are allowed subject to a case-by-case assessment. - Can I get electrical power from SPT?
An engineer needs to assess the power required by the equipment and also the existing infrastructure at the location. Subject to the outcome of the assessment power can be supplied. You may be charged extra for using our power. - When is the Subway available?
We will consider requests for most times as long as they avoid peak periods. These are 07:30 to 10:00 and 15:30 to 19:00. There is some flexibility depending on the specific location and the nature of the event. - When are the bus stations available?
The bus stations are available at almost any time providing it doesn’t interfere with operations. This will be considered on an individual basis. - Can I film at night?
Yes but it’s likely that this will cost more because of higher overheads. - What areas can I have access to?
Filming, photography, broadcasting and events can take place in most parts of the premises provided that risks can be controlled. This is why a risk assessment is necessary for all requests. - Can I film on a Subway train?
Yes, subject to a case-by-case assessment. - Can I film in the driver’s cab?
No, access to cabs is restricted to trained SPT staff and selected contractors only. - Can I film on a bus?
We don’t operate the buses so any requests to film on a bus should be made directly to the relevant operator. If you want to use a bus and a bus station you must submit separate requests to us and the operator. - Can company/liveried vehicles be brought to SPT bus stations?
Yes, subject to a case-by-case assessment. - What documentation does SPT require?
SPT requires the following information and documents prior to requests being approved:- Employers Liability Insurance cover to the value of at least £5million;
- Public Liability Insurance cover to the value of at least £2million;
- Health and Safety Risk Assessment(s);
- Method Statements;
- Any other documents that SPT deems necessary (which may include some Company Information).