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Travel Planning

Travel Planning

A travel plan can help your organisation promote sustainable travel. We offer information, advice and support to help you develop and implement a Travel Plan.

What is a Travel Plan?

A Travel Plan is a package of measures and policies developed by an employer to encourage their staff to travel to work using sustainable modes of transport; walking, cycling, public transport or car sharing. A Travel Plan can help reduce an organisation’s carbon footprint and result in financial savings for both the organisation and the employee.


A Travel Plan can help:

  • to reduce business car mileage expenses;
  • to reduce the demand for car parking which has the potential to reduce car park management and maintenance costs;
  • to reduce fleet management costs; and
  • staff to reduce their commuting costs.

Travel Plan measures which promote active and sustainable travel can help improve:

  • staff morale;
  • staff health; and
  • staff motivation.

A travel plan can help:

  • to reduce an organisation’s carbon footprint;
  • to raise an organisation’s profile as a caring and considerate employer;
  • to reduce congestion and provide other environmental benefits for the local community;
  • to improve site access for employees, visitors and deliveries;
  • to fulfill planning consent recommendations and targets;
  • staff recruitment and retention; and
  • to increase productivity due to a healthier workforce.


Travelknowhow is an unique online resource which offers organisations across Scotland easy access to a wide variety of travel planning solutions all in one place including advice, guidance and downloadable resources to aid with the implementation of travel planning measures.