If you have already registered at PCS-Tender and have provided a response to our DPS Project/PQQ you will not need to take any further action.
As from August 2016 we will use PCS-Tender (Public Contracts Scotland Tender) to advertise all Transport Contracts.
If you do not register and create a response to the DPS Project/PQQ you will not be able to submit any tender bids.
Please note that PCS-Tender is a separate website from PCS (Public Contracts Scotland) and if you have not already registered on PCS-Tender, registration will be required.
If you wish to tender for any Transport Contracts advertised by SPT on behalf of Local Authorities then you must register for our Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) on PCS-Tender.
Please follow this link to register: www.publictendersscotland.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk
For further information on creating a response to any PQQ’s or ITT’s using PCS-Tender, please read the Supplier Response Guide: www.publictendersscotland.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/esop/pts-host/public/pts/attach/supplier_help_file/supplier_response_guide.pdf
If you have already registered on both portals eg Public Contracts Scotland and PCS-Tender and paired your accounts you can access PCS-Tender through your Public Contracts Scotland Control Panel.
To access PCS-Tender, record your interest and create a response for the DPS notice please visit www.publictendersscotland.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk and search for project Code 6032 under PQQs Open to All Suppliers. Please use the Search/Filter function, then select Project Code from the dropdown. Please note that once you have expressed interest in the PQQ it will move to your My PQQs area. You will then need to Create a Response to the PQQ and submit this to SPT via PCS-Tender.
Remember – if you do not register you will not be able to submit any tender bids. SPT, will in the near future be in direct contact with you to arrange a basic training session on how to complete the DPS documentation. But in the meantime please get registered and create the response!
For further information please email us at [email protected].