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Subway Bus
Strathclyde Regional Bus Strategy Partick interchange

Strathclyde Regional Bus Strategy

Bus is the most frequently and widely used form of public transport in the west of Scotland. Everyday, the bus network helps connect us to school, work, shops, services and our family and friends. Bus also plays a role in tackling big problems like climate change, inequality and social isolation.

However, bus use has been falling for a long time. Fewer people use a bus to travel and bus services are less frequent than 10 years ago. Many people and communities have told SPT that they want better bus services.

The Strathclyde Regional Bus Strategy is SPT’s process to improve the bus network. Here, you can learn about our process and the ways you can participate in it to help shape the future of bus in the region.

Consultation now closed!

The consultation is now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated. The outcomes will be reported to a SPT committee later this year.

Bus Stop West Geroge Street

What’s been done so far?

Over the past few months, SPT has worked with our consultants to consider different ways of delivering an improved bus network for the west of Scotland. We reported on our findings and recommendations from this process to our Partnership Board in March 2024. Prior to this, SPT reported on our Case for Change to our Partnership Board in September 2023.

What’s happening right now?

SPT is working with our consultants to review the input received from partners and stakeholders during the bus options consultation.

What’s happening next?

We will report the findings from the consultation to our Partnership Board later in 2024, and complete the development of the bus strategy in 2025. Follow @SPTCorporate to be kept up to date.

Strathclyde Regional Bus Strategy bus user

Where can I find out more information?

Strathclyde Regional Bus Strategy electronic display

Regional Transport Strategy

Find out more about the Regional Transport Strategy